5 minute freewrite 2639 prompt a nice illusion
This is my post for #freewriters 2639 prompt a nice illusion hosted by @mariannewst
Leaning on one of my walls is a painted picture, nothing special, the most overlooked art on the wall. To me, it is a nice illusion of times past.
Back in the 1980s I paid ten cents for it at a yard sale, the lady selling it told me it was an old oil painting, that part is true, but the rest is not.
She told me the rumor about it and it is a nice illusion all in itself.
"They" whoever they are, say that back in 1855 when a small museum in France was being decorated, the designers could not find many small framed art pieces to fill the spaces between the large art. Word spread and local artist showed up with their art.
One artist had a dream of himself being famous and he had a hypnotist go with him. When he presented his art to the designer, his buddy hypnotized her. He gave her a nice illusion of this artist's work hanging in all the finest galleries.`She chose it but the artist had one problem with his plan, he forgot to leave his name, it is rumored to be Claude Monet.
When the museum was being redesigned and because it was only a rumor, they threw it out and it was considered trash, my great, great, grandfather took the trash out.
photos are mine