🔥Survival Mode Strategies🔥
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Howdy, fellow battlers! How is your season going? Have you dipped your toes into the new Survival Mode, or have you gone all in and jumped into the deep end and are fighting to stay on the leaderboard? If you are the latter, I probably won't have any suggestions you haven't already thought about today, but if you are new to the game or to Survival Mode, then I hope you'll find this post useful.

Why even play Survival Mode?
As you can see from the screenshot above, the loser has now lost all the cards that fell in this battle. So why would anyone want to play in this new mode if their cards will be unusable after losing? Well, take a look at this next screenshot from the end of that battle...

You read that right! @bravetofu was awarded 985 SPS for winning this battle! That is just insane! SPS may be worth less than a penny now, but that's still $6 worth of crypto being awarded for this battle. It's a big "if", but what if SPS is worth $1 one day? That's a lot of value for winning just a single battle. It takes my bot playing in the Wild League and me playing in Modern league a few months to earn that much SPS. It's also nice not having to worry about how much energy you have because in Survival Mode your cards are the energy. Another reason why playing in Survival mode is worth your time is simply because it's fun. If we want to draw new players into the game, they need to see streamers who are emotionally affected by both winning and losing, and I imagine both of the players above had strong reactions to the battle results.

Don't risk it!
Quix the Devious is my favorite summoner and I don't want to risk losing him falling in Survival Mode so I simply just clicked on the little pawn looking icon to make him unusable in Survival Mode. There is no time limit to click or unclick this icon, like there is if you delegate or rent your cards so go ahead and remove any cards you don't want to see become unplayable because if the card falls in Survival Mode it will also be on a cooldown in all other modes of the game as well.

Keep those extra cards.
Once I got a card to MAX level, I would sell or burn off any extra or gold copies I had of it, but no longer. I did burn all of my Chaos Legion Soulbound summoners because I was sick of the bot always using them and losing when I had MAX level summoners, so I don't regret burning those, plus I hate relying on the Gladiator cards. It's just as cheap as magic spamming. I do regret burning all of my gold foils and extra copies in my mad rush to get every common card to MAX level. (Which I failed to do.) That's why on this batch of reward cards I grinded through the boredom and only opened common cards until they were at MAX level before moving up to rare and legendaries since you may get lucky and open those for free when leveling up. I now have every common card at MAX and a few level 5 gold level cards and an extra copy of around level three or four so I'll have plenty of reward cards to throw at the Survival battles. Hopefully this type of thinking puts the demand and ultimately the price of cards on the upward overall. Thanks for reading about my tips today. I hope I inspired you to play more Survival battles!

Check out the top battle:
This week's Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge:
Original artwork at NFTShowroom:
Amazing art by the Splinterlands community:
