Topic Breadth
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to talk about one particular podcast that has really made an impact on me the last few weeks!

Topic Breadth
I wonder if I talk too much about how cool podcasts are..? LOL
Podcasts are definitely one of the most fascinating things for me on a day to day basis. It really is the entire expanse of information out there possible, and it's such an amazing ability for us to find an author and dig into a topic!
I've been delving into a few topics lately, and it started a few weeks ago when a particular guest appeared on a podcast I like to frequent. The host is Danny Jones and he has all kinds of interesting people on. He tends to try and mimic Joe Rogan a bit too much for my liking, but I do really enjoy his guests. He had a woman on named Alexis Cowan and damn, did she really blow my mind!
Alexis is a really smart PHD doctor that has had quite the broad life experience and interests. To keep it short, she focuses on the absolute benefits of sunlight and the associated biological processes that go along with it!
It seems pretty basic, but when you think about it, how we are living right now in "modern" society where we spend the vast majority of our time indoors and under artificial and unhealthy light is quite astounding. It's no wonder that we have so many health issues when we can't get exposure to one of the most important aspects of our world: the sun.
I've been binging on Alexis for the last several weeks at various points in the day, getting through an episode between other podcasts I listen to. I like to do it that way so that I don't overwhelm myself with information all at once and then don't retain much of what I heard. I will listen to one of her episodes then flip over to something a little less complicated or intensive such as a Rogan episode or Danny Jones. People who have on great guests but don't necessarily need me to spend time taking notes on the really important topics they are covering.
Alexis has had on some really wonderful guests and each of them are ones that I've taken and learned quite a bit from. For example, one of the guests today was talking about how the electricity entering our homes is often dirty and unreliable, leading to waves of electromagnetic radiation spikes and dips that are not healthy, and can actually be quite damaging. There are ways to mitigate that and address it but it's not something that we are ever exposed to in other formats besides a podcast, where really smart people are able to share their life's passions.
There have also been other guests such as Jack Kruse who focuses on the critical need for sunlight in our lives versus artificial light. Some other guests with their own unique and inspirational stories and information are also present in each of the episodes.
I think this is just one specific example of how amazing podcasts are. We can connect directly with the brilliant people to hear them for hours talk about topics they are passionate about and have made it their life's work. This is a far cry better than someone appearing on a "news" show for a 30 or 45 second sound byte that was taken out of a 30 minute conversation. By getting to experience a truly wide breadth of topics, we can really figure out a lot of things in the world and hopefully we can improve the paradigm a lot more than it has been up to this point!
You can find Alexis and her fascinating work on her YouTube channel - Undoctrinate Yourself -
I highly recommend checking her information out! One thing I like so much about it, with the sunlight and changes to life they are mostly FREE. All we have to do is spend more time outside getting direct exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet light!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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