Ozempic Week 9 - Obstructions and Bloating 😢😢😢*TMI WARNING!!*
I almost didn't post at all this week. I really didn't see the point and was/ still am horribly miserable and not feeling well.
Honestly, this week has been terrible. At the start of this horrible experience, the other night I spent at least 45 minutes in the bathroom doing what I can only describe as giving birth. With sweat rolling down my face, pain, and abdominal contractions, I just could not pass 💩
This is an issue I almost never face. I am always really regular. Being backed up like this is absolutely awful. I've been trying to use my detective skills to figure out what is going on and why I have constipation, but none of it makes sense.
I have had no dietary changes, and in fact my daily intake of fruit should be helping enormously to keep me regular. I also eat a portion of full cream yoghurt daily. So why is my body trying to make coal out of everything I eat?
Out of desperation I took the only sachet of laxatives we had in the house, and expected to spend the day running to the bathroom but it did absolutely nothing.
The next step was to try to find some raisins. I really thought I had some floating around in the baking cabinet, but I did find this Easter chocolate that DOES contain raisins... I swear...I wasn't just comfort eating and at least I managed to control myself and eat it in two sessions :p
So, that didn't work either, so I sent @zakludick to buy me a bag of prunes - which are ridiculously expensive, for some reason. They do taste really good though. I am grateful that I like dried fruit. some people don't. I ate half the bag in the evening and had the other half the next morning and thank GOD I had my first BA in days. I'll have to sell a kidney and buy another bag since they're honestly the only thing that's worked!
I am also taking probiotics to try to boost my gut bacteria health and an adequate daily allowance of full-cream yoghurt.
As well as these aloe crystals, recommended by a friend and they seem to be helping... sort of. They taste HORRIFIC though, so it's a teaspoon-end measurement, right to the back of the throat to prevent it from touching any tastebuds. Yuck. It did actually help move things along a bit though and I have been having predictable relief about 10 hours after consumption. I've upped my intake to twice a day, so we'll see how that goes .
So what is causing this horrible obstruction in my daily routine? It's stress. I think a delayed reaction to @zakludick's recent hospitalization. I am not surprised that the stress manifested physically. We're doing daily dressing changes, which is great, as I was doing them twice daily, post-op. We are waiting for the tissue inside the hole to granulate and heal. Since this is the original injury site and ended up being the entry site for the debridement surgery, it's quite deep. It's also very difficult to measure. My job is to ensure that absolutely no bugs get anywhere near Zak and when we do dressing changes, it's a completely sanitary procedure. At least my training at the wound care centre has REALLY come in handy. There is absolutely no sign of infection and the exudate is decreasing, which means we're winning the war. It's been a horrible experience. Watching someone you love being afraid and in pain is absolutely awful. Frankly, I am not surprised at all that my body is having a physical response. I just can't wait for it to go back to normal.
I really really did not want to make this post today as I knew weighing myself would devastate me. I know I'm backed up, I know I'm bloated, I know there are exceptional circumstances, but the scale basically put me right back onto day 1. And that is horribly disappointing.
I know that realistically it's not fat. I have not gone backwards. It's just one of those things I need to treat and get over, like any illness, but man am I not a happy camper.
I tried moving around on the scale a bit and out of desperation, was even hanging onto the door handle to get a lower reading, but the reality is what it is. You can even see my toes up in some of the photos and that I'm not standing on the scale properly - playing "the scale is lava" with myself...lol?
I even increased my dosage of ozempic to 1mg this week - with no side effects, just FYI, and was really looking forward to some decreased numbers. Sigh.. perhaps next week... I was looking forward to being well under 115kgs this week. This is a major setback :(
So, here we have it:
My very demotivating weighin for the week:
My measurements don't look great this week either, and that's due to bloating.