Portable Toilet Waste Bags | 6 Pack | No Gel | Black Color | by Reliance Products
PRACTICAL: Reliance DOUBLE DOODIE Toilet Waste Bags are the ideal waste solution. It’s two bags in one. The black interior bag contains the waste and the gray exterior zip lock bag adds a second layer of durability and reliabilitySIMPLE SET UP: Unfold and unzip the grey exterior bag, gently pull out the black inner bag and place over or under your portable toilet seat and you're set. One bag typically lasts a family of four for one dayRELIABLE: With a leak-proof zip lock seal and a tough exterior bag the chance of puncturing is minimized. Bags can be disposed of in any trash receptacle.ESSENTIAL: Double Doodie bags work perfectly with the Reliance Luggable Loo, Fold-to-Go, Tri-to-Go and Hassock portable toilets. Double Doodie bags may be used with a wide variety of portable toiletsCONVENIENT: Each box contains 6 bags. The bag will fit a 5 gallon bucket quite easily. Black interior bag is 22.75”L x 23.5”W. Zip lock exterior bag is 11.9”L x 13.75”W