Forest Healer Fan Art: Completing Zingtober Day 15 - Guidebook
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Hello friends from Hive and the Holozing community, I hope you are having a nice day. Today I finally finish my last drawing for Zingtober, which, corresponding to the Inktober calendar, the theme for day 15 was Guidebook. Well, almost at the end of November, I finished this challenge, because I skipped some days for various reasons, and without a doubt, these challenges are a great test of consistency, but sometimes, even if we are consistent, there are moments when planning escapes our hands.
Hola amigos de Hive y comunidad de Holozing, espero que estén teniendo un lindo día. Al fin hoy termino con mi último dibujo del Zingtober, que, correspondiendo al calendario del Inktober, el tema para el día 15 fue Guidebook. Pues casi terminando noviembre, terminé este reto, puesto que me salté algunos días por distintos motivos, y es que sin dudas estos retos son un gran desafío a la constancia, pero a veces, aunque tengamos la constancia, hay momentos donde la planificación se escapa de las manos.
On this occasion, our Forest Healer continues as the protagonist. I love drawing her and I think I have already created a character that feels very mine and personal. For this drawing, I also wanted to draw inspiration from one previously made on the 16th, where the theme was Grungy, so I took this style that I used along with everything learned in this more than a month of creativity and practice to mix it all together.
En esta ocasión, continúa nuestra Forest Healer como protagonista. Amo dibujarla y creo que ya he creado un personaje que se siente muy mío y personal. Para este dibujo, también quise inspirarme en uno realizado con anterioridad el día 16, donde el tema era Grungy, así que tomé este estilo que utilicé junto a todo lo aprendido en este más de un mes de creatividad y práctica para mezclarlo todo junto.
I started with a simple sketch, without many details; something good about this style is that you don't have to worry much about small details or an entirely accurate anatomy.
Comencé con un simple boceto, sin muchos detalles; algo bueno de este estilo es que no tienes que preocuparte mucho por los detalles pequeños o una anatomía del todo exacta.
With the sketch ready, it was time for the line art. I tried to make it as carefree as possible, with loose and thick lines.
Con el boceto listo, viene el turno del line art. Traté de hacerlo lo más desenfadado posible, con líneas sueltas y gruesas.
I define the base colors, which yes, I continue using black and white, I did not plan on breaking this rule.
Defino los colores base, que sí, sigo usando blanco y negro, esta regla no pensaba incumplirla.
Lights, shadows, some details and done!
¡Luces, sombras, algunos detalles y listo!
I ended up creating a background that I loved how it turned out, it sticks very well to the style. For the background, I used different textured brushes that I combined with various blending methods.
Terminé creando un fondo que amé como quedó, se apega demasiado bien al estilo. Para el fondo utilicé distintos pinceles texturizados que combiné con distintos métodos de fusión.
Lastly, a gradient map to change the tone of my drawing to colors that remind me of the character.
Por último, un mapa de degradados para cambiar la tonalidad de mi dibujo a colores que me recuerdan al personaje.
Well, friends, done! Almost a month later, but done! 31 drawings completed and Zingtober fully concluded. I think the important thing is not the time, but the consistency and not giving up. Thank you very much to everyone for the support on this creative journey; soon I will write a bit about what I learned and make a post compiling all the drawings in order. Thank you very much for the support and every comment. See you soon. Bye!
¡Bueno, amigos, listo! ¡Casi un mes después, pero listo! 31 dibujos completados y Zingtober totalmente concluido. Creo que lo importante no es el tiempo, sino la constancia y no rendirse. Muchas gracias a todos por el apoyo en este viaje creativo; pronto escribiré un poco sobre lo aprendido y haré una publicación recopilando todos los dibujos ordenados. Muchas gracias por el apoyo y cada comentario. Nos leemos pronto. ¡Chau!
![]() | I’m Ernesto, a Cuban passionate about art and writing. Always learning, always growing. Excited to share and learn more every day! I write about art, drawing, video games, nature, and review the things I like. My goal is to inspire and connect with others through my creative journey. |
Translated with (free version)
I apologize if there are any grammatical errors, English is not my native language, I have tried to be as careful as possible.
I regularly create images on Pixabay, which are free of copyright. Access my gallery by clicking here.
All assets, illustrations and banners have been created by me and are original content, unless otherwise specified.