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Back 4 Blood May Have Wrecked my VEGA


phusionphil1.3 K4 years ago3 min read

I have been offline for 2 days now, relying on mobile because of a .NET Framework Initialization issue. How I got here, is a long story.

Back 4 Blood Beta is Fun

I was enjoying the back for blood beta, had just picked some video settings that I found reasonable for 4K, to enjoy the gorgeous textures in the game. I was very impressed, and had partied up with some friends for an all nighter type of session.

This experience was short lived, as the game crashed via green screen. The system, then wouldn't post...

Descending into Madness with Windows Update

My RX VEGA 64 was non responsive, going to try to return it. I inserted a VEGA Frontier Edition I have for workloads and streaming. It worked fine but windows was now attempting to repair itself, and my fears have now been realized in typing this, at that very moment I was praying to have have a PC working within a day, but to no avail.

There is some manual fixes, like using Windows Media Creation Tool, but some people reported that reinstalling windows didn't help at all. So I have take to regedit and services in order to hopefully revive windows via open heart surgery.

This is not fun, first and foremost, this issue was caused either by a graphic driver crash, or windows not understanding the problem with the boot that occurred in between GPUs.

I have 3 or 4 system images, so I am not worried about loosing data, make sure you have backed up data if you plan on editing the registry.

I still have had no success and I managed to only yell profanities at Microsoft about 4 times so far, I am considering this a win.

Error Reportint

The issue here lies deep within windows, as they are transitioning to windows 11, my PC doesn't qualify for that upgrade either. Which is odd as the only dated part are the GPU.

The current generation of .NET Framework is 4.8, and it's worth noting that you can not roll back to any pre-4.5, for reasons that wouldn't help me fix my issue, so I didn't read further into it.

I have activated all services manually now, there is seriously no explanation.

I go to features, and try to enable the .NET framework, new and old, but it will say catastrophic failure when I try to turn that on. I should note the .NET 4.5 + framework was already active, but disappeared after I tried to activate it.

Now I am throughly confused, so at this point reinstalling windows is my only option.


Reinstalling Windows Was Successful, but required manually reinstalling all software I had after, as no apps survived the refresh. As usually windows socks and life goes on.

Error Codes 0x80070003 was the issue I was having when running the windows update trouble shooter.

I just played Back 4 Blood Beta for 2 hours on my VEGA FE and it is running fine. That was a concerning failure, but maybe it was just the time for the RX VEGA to go.


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