Getting To Know Me–A Side-glance Into My Universe!
Getting To Know Me—A Side-glance Into My Universe!
Hi, I'm glad to meet you here!
I'm Inarigu Israel Ogbole, but popularly called Israel!
I'm from Agwatashi, in Obi town, Nasarawa State in Nigeria. I came from an extended family background. You could imagine the experience of growing up in such an atmosphere! I was not born into a Christian home; my parents weren't christians. They were pagans. Therefore, the name Israel was not given to me by my parents. They natively call me 'Ogbole', meaning: 'a bread-winner', 'a house guardian'. I used to be my father's favourite, until his demise!
If my parents didn't give me the name 'Israel', then who did? Follow me patiently, as I take you on a journey of my life!
During my late childhood, one day, I followed my friends to Children's Sunday School on a Sunday. We were taught the story of Jacob in the Bible by aunty Ogechi, I could still remember. I found the story so interesting, that I named myself 'Jacob', after the class!
When we came back on another Sunday, it was the story of Jacob again. But this time I saw him wrestled against an angel of the Lord till daybreak! The angel of the Lord broke his thigh and changed his name to Israel. Listening to this dramatic story, I changed my name to Israel also! I tell you, this experience was a navigation into my purpose in Christ Jesus.
From there, I began reaching out to my parents for the salvation of their souls. And eventually, they have also received Christ Jesus, as their Saviour and Lord!
Perhaps, as you go through my blog, if you've not believed in Jesus, who is the express image of God, you can do so now. Only in Christ Jesus can you find purpose, peace and satisfaction.
After my encounter with the Lord Jesus, I have discovered my purpose for existence; I became a children's Sunday school teacher.
And in partnership with heaven, I have the privilege to raise, train up children in the Way they should go; the Way of the Lord. I derive joy fulfilling my divine mandate in the world of children!
So I teach almost everyday of my life - as if to say teaching is my hobby! Lol...hahaha...!
I heard about Hive Blockchain through my nephew. I was so passionate to enroll because of the rewarding opportunities therein, though with no basic understanding about it. Not until I was properly introduced into it, via a well articulated, simple but detailed orientation on 6th February, 2025, where I learned the rudiments of Hive Blockchain under @ovey10.
Hoping that this will be a platform for me to release & maximize my capacities, especially in writing, as well as enhancing my standard of living.
I'm 30 years young now! I'm presently studying Computer Science & Software Engineering. Being the 8th child out of 9 children of my mother, only me went beyond Secondary School by the grace of God. This is how God shows me mercy! I don't know what family history you have, but I assure you under Jesus, His mercy will change your status, from ashes to beauty!
Moreso, I have the privilege of attending series of professional training, seminars, on Video Editing & Animation, Quality Assurance, Security Awareness, etc.
After the death of my father in 2018, life has been so challenging, as I try to sponsor myself in school and take care of my poor old mother. Severally, I finish each semester's exams on debts. Yet the Lord is faithful!
Just to cater for our daily needs, I run extra-moral lesson for children after school hours, going from house to house.
Also, I help people with their farm works. Whatever I get out of these, I send a token to my mother, and use the rest for my necessary needs, and school fees.
Several times, opportunities afford me to serve in the capacity of secretary in different organizations, corporative groups, and children's ministry. I told myself, 'I'm going to be a Secretary to the federation in my country one day!' That makes me a writer then.
Therefore, I'm going to use this God-given ability to transform my feelings, experiences, thoughts and challenges into words that elevate and catenate with people of like feelings.
My sincere apology for gabbling too much about my life adventure! I was just so exhilarated to pen down my feelings on paper (and launch it out in the digital space), never to leave any part of my experiences untouched! Nevertheless, I shall focus much more on the lessons, and impacts which come with every experience, rather than the stories themselves.
I'm so excited with engaging this Blog as a medium to analyze contents that are meaningful to me, as I also share what I know.
The Future of my Blog shall cover the following areas:
1. Creative Writing-Content (on different areas of life):
Writing for me is more than just putting pen on paper; it's a skill. Creative writing has an indelible impacts on both the present & the future. And I'm determined to share my feelings, thoughts or experiences, through creative writing.
My target of writing shall include: enlightening, motivating, encouraging as many that can connect, and find solace.
2. Photography:
With photography, life is fun! Engaging and appealing photos enhance relaxation of the mind! And I hope to share about my activities, events, programs, works, through photography, in order to inspire those who are interested to relate or connect with me via my blog.
3. Music:
Music, whether good or bad is spiritual! It has great control & impact on the subconscious of man. Though I'm not a perfect singer myself, but I shall ensure that my songs have good contents or lyrics that will build, edify & comfort the souls and minds of those that will care to listen through.
I'm a Fluter.
Thank you for flipping through my world!
You're at liberty to probe, drop a comment or you can simply say, 'Hello!'. It's my pleasure to connect with you!
Have a cup of coffee to sip as you go!