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After Finish My Target, I can Run Again. Just 3K for Tonight


nnurdiani269.733 days agoPeakD3 min read

Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are doing well. The last few days, I have not been doing well. On the other hand, I am also risking my future. Tonight, it is finished, it is time to pray. This makes me scared and nervous. Will I succeed?

Another thing, I still can't manage my time anymore. My exercise target is back to the beginning. Only once a week. The running distance is also back to 3K. Some Muslims are fasting. Some people run in the afternoon, I saw that. I once tried to run in the afternoon while fasting, but it turned out I couldn't.

I felt nauseous and some parts of my body hurt. So, I avoid running while fasting. While fasting, after the Isha prayer, we perform the tarawih prayer which takes until half past nine at night. Running while fasting is indeed a challenge.

Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

I also ran very late at night with a distance that was not too far, even though I had a target to run more than 5 kilometers. I waited for my menstrual schedule, because when I have my period I don't fast. It seems, at that time I could make up for the shortcomings and my target could be achieved.

How about the route tonight? Still the same, the favorite route is the Cikini route. The biggest challenge this time is the increasing number of food vendors. Throughout the month of Ramadan, food vendors are increasingly mushrooming in many areas. That is a characteristic and the government does not take action against it.

Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

How about my running pace? At the first kilometer, at 9:35. At the second kilometer, 9:12. The last kilometer 8:35. The later it gets the more scared I get, the roads are quieter, I'm afraid there will be a crime, especially since my cellphone was snatched. Jakarta is sometimes scary.

That's also what made me only run 3K, tonight. too late to run this time. I need to organize my time again I think. But, this run is a celebration that I have finished sending my scholarship requirements. For a few days, I need to take care of scholarship files, translate documents, make CVs and others.

Shouldn't my running distance be more than 3K if it's a celebration? Hahaha I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you next Sunday. That's all I can tell you. see you in the next story.

Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

About Author
Nurdiani Latifah

My name is Nurdiani Latifah. I live in Jakarta – Indonesia, and after 25 years I live in Bandung. I am a media staff at an NGO in Indonesia. I have worked in this institution for almost 2 years on issues of women and peace. I have been a journalist in Bandung for 3 years.

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