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Breville Barista Express


kingofreviews677.592 years agoWaivio2 min read

The Barista Express from Breville is a semi-automatic espresso machine that won the 2013 award for best new consumer product from the SCAA. It combines grinding and brewing in one unit and has some technical features typically found only on higher end consumer or prosumer machines. Out of the box, it comes with everything you need to make espresso and milk-based drinks, including lattes and cappuccinos. It has a built-in grinder with stainless steel conical burrs and 16 grind settings, adjustable automatic dosing for single and double shots, and a 54mm portafilter made of stainless steel. It also has PID control of brewing temps, a “Dry Puck Feature”, a brewing pressure gauge, and a steam purge system. The machine is wrapped in a brushed stainless steel finish and all food contact areas are BPA free. The manual is also of high quality and easy to understand.

Overall, the Barista Express is a great machine with many features typically found on higher end consumer or prosumer machines. It is easy to use and comes with everything you need to make espresso and milk-based drinks. It has a built-in grinder, adjustable automatic dosing, PID control of brewing temps, a “Dry Puck Feature”, a brewing pressure gauge, and a steam purge system. The machine is also wrapped in a brushed stainless steel finish and all food contact areas are BPA free. The manual is also of high quality and easy to understand.

The Barista Express from Breville is a great machine for those looking for a semi-automatic espresso machine with many features typically found on higher end consumer or prosumer machines. It is easy to use and comes with everything you need to make espresso and milk-based drinks.

#breville #baristaexpress #espresso #coffee #semiautomatic #grinder

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If you're a coffee enthusiast longing for the rich flavors of professionally-made espresso, then look no further than the Barista Express...
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