Killer snails - [unboxing pentel pocket brush]
This week I got a new toy! It is a pentel pocket brush, I love the technique of Ink on paper, and I was dying to test it making a draw and these are my impressions.
Pentel pocket brush

Image from Mercado libre
This brush came with two replacement ink cartridges, the ink is of good quality covers pretty well, in a few words, the tool is amazing but takes time to master. Who sold me it told me that with this brush I would be able to draw like this.
Video from Parka Blogs in Youtube
Just kidding 😅😁!
The author of that book is Kim Jung-Gi a Korean artist. He says he has drawn excessively, that's why he's so good, which shows that the tool is not really what matters. I also think we all learn a little differently and under certain motivations. In my case, I am still trying to figure out my formula to get the result I am looking for.
It is great to draw with a calm mind. For some reason, things happen as they should happen, and they always do not go as people want it, but as I said I am in exploration mode, mainly for health and peace of mind.
As someone said to me:
Breaking into the Art World must be difficult, but I think you have to draw for your pleasure and the peace of mind it can bring. After if the success comes so much better.
-- @heroldius.
I'd had dark days and I did not know what to do I thought that my option's life were limited, indeed I had a Sucker’s Choice, I felt awful. Now I am sure it is part of living, and I realized nothing is too bad as one thought. I learned problems are in your mind, If you are with your family and friends, you have a job (not the best Job but a Job in the end) and health, so you are ok, and I am sure these experiences make us grow up.
The truth is the life is complicated, but drawing is cheap
Stuck in the mud
- Used tool for English translation.
- No references were used in this drawing.