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Accompanying my wife to the dentist /Acompañando a mi esposa al odontólogo


gpache1.3 K4 months ago7 min read

Accompanying my wife to the dentist /Acompañando a mi esposa al odontólogo

Greetings dear friends of the @dailyblog community, I wish you all the best in this week hoping it will be full of well-being and happiness for everyone.

I want to share with you one of those days when we are invaded by worries, but if we face the problem to give immediate solution everything goes better.

Several days ago my wife complained a lot about a toothache and wanted to take them out because they did not let her sleep. She was taking a treatment with antibiotics to reduce inflammation and to be able to go to the dentist to extract them, but she was very afraid because she has very deep roots and she only trusts oral surgeons.

Just remembering previous experiences where dentists struggled to remove the tooth, they mistreated her mouth and once they cracked a tooth and she had to pay for surgery to remove the piece, she was terrified and did not want to undergo that torture again.

Fortunately we were informed that there was a very good surgeon at the Catedel clinic who specialized in wisdom teeth, so I convinced her to get ready and attend that day to have both molars removed to take a break from the terrible pain.

She has always been very nervous and especially when it comes to dentists she goes crazy. I once took her to have a tooth repaired by a doctor friend of mine and she had a hard time getting it fixed because she would hold her hand when the doctor tried to use the drill.

The truth is that it was necessary to extract a wisdom tooth and another nearby tooth because they were already hurting and the crown had broken off.

Finally we got up early and went to the dental clinic. We waited there for quite a while because there were several patients. My wife was scared and kept telling me that she was nervous because it was going to hurt a lot because of the depth of the roots of her wisdom teeth.

I tried to change the conversation by admiring the Christmas decorations they had all over the clinic. I took pictures of her posing with the tree and other decorations, until they finally called her name and she made a tragic face as you can see in the pictures.
As we left I asked her how she was doing and she nodded in the affirmative, as she could not speak because she had gauze on her molar. He showed me the recipe and we went out to buy the medicines that the doctor had prescribed: a painkiller and an antibiotic.

We got home around noon and I started to prepare a blended vegetable soup for him because he could not eat solid food for three days. Before eating he threw away the gauze and rinsed his mouth and started telling me about his experience.

She told me that she had not felt anything because the doctor had a very good hand and that she was going to recommend him because if she, who is so lazy, did so well, it is because he is a good dentist. The truth is that she was delighted with the doctor and I was happy that finally she was going to rest from the pain and we were both going to sleep without interruptions.

That was a happy ending experience. The best thing to do is to visit the dentist periodically to fix any problems that come up and avoid those annoying toothaches.

Blessings to all.

Images taken with Samsung Galaxy A12.
Cover page made with Canva.
Text translator used: Deepl

Version en Español

Saludos estimados amigos de la comunidad @dailyblog, les deseo lo mejor en esta semana esperando que esté llena de bienestar y felicidad para todos.

Quiero compartirles uno de esos días en que nos invaden las preocupaciones, pero que si enfrentamos el problema para darle solución inmediata todo sale mejor.

Desde hace varios días mi esposa se quejaba mucho de un dolor de muelas y quería sacárselas porque no la dejaban dormir. Ella se estaba haciendo un tratamiento con antibióticos para desinflamar y poder ir al odontólogo a extraérselas, pero le daba mucho miedo porque ella tiene las raices muy profundas y solo le tiene confianza a los cirujanos bucales.

De solo recordar experiencias anteriores donde los odontólogos luchaban para lograr extraer la pieza, le maltrataban la boca y una vez le partieron una muela y tuvo que pagar una cirugía para extraer el pedazo, ella sentía terror y no quería someterse a esa tortura nuevamente.

Afortunadamente nos informaron que había un cirujano muy bueno en la clínica Catedel que se especializaba en cordales, así que la convencí para que se preparara y asistiera ese día a sacarse ambas muelas y así descansar del terrible dolor.

Ella siempre ha sido muy nerviosa y sobretodo cuando se trata de odontólogos le entra la locura. En una oportunidad la llevé a repararse una muela con una doctora amiga y le costó trabajo reparársela porque ella le sostenía la mano cuando la doctora intentaba usar el taladro.

Lo cierto es que era necesario extraerle una cordal y otra muela cercana porque ya estaban doliendo y se les había roto la corona.

Finalmente nos levantamos temprano y fuimos a la clínica odontológica. Allí esperamos un buen rato porque habían varios pacientes. Mi esposa estaba asustada y me decía a cada rato que estaba nerviosa porque eso le iba a doler mucho por la profundidad de las raíces de sus cordales.

Yo trataba de cambiarle la conversación admirando los adornos navideños que tenían en toda la clínica. Le tomé fotos posando con el arbolito y con otros adornos, hasta que por fin la llamaron y puso una cara de tragedia como lo pueden apreciar en las fotografías.
Al salir le pregunté como le había ido y me respondió con la cabeza afirmativamente, ya que no podía hablar pues tenía una gasa en la muela. Me mostró el récipe y salimos a comprarle los medicamentos que le indicó el médico: un analgésico y un antibiótico.

Llegamos a casa a eso del mediodía y comencé a prepararle una sopa de verduras licuada porque no podía comer sólido por tres días. Antes de comer botó la gasa y se enjuagó la boca y comenzó a contarme su experiencia.

Me dijo que no había sentido nada porque el médico tenia muy buena mano y que lo iba a recomendar porque si a ella, que es tan floja le fue tan bien, es porque es un buen odontólogo. La verdad es que estaba encantada con el médico y yo feliz de que por fin ella iba a descansar del dolor y ambos íbamos a dormir sin interrupciones.

Esa fue una experiencia con final feliz. Lo mejor es visitar al odontólogo periódicamente para ir solucionando cualquier problema que vaya saliendo evitando esos molestos dolores de muela.

Bendiciones para todos.

Imágenes tomadas con Samsung Galaxy A12
Portada elaborada con Canva
Traductor de texto utilizado: Deepl

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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