I know you must be wondering how we got to this conclusion but follow this thought closely
Josh is a talented artist!!!whose artwork blew minds
Every single stroke on his board meant something.His artwork carried so much meaning and emotions and hallelujah he had so much faith in his talent and and so much fauth in the media!!!i mean anyone can get attention from the media!!!!
On a sunny day,josh’ phone began to ring endlessly
Josh gets on the phone amd behold it is “liam moreno”a top artist!!well known for his work and reach throughout the globe!!!liam moreno happens to be a straight forward man and he said”i’ve seen your works,you’ve got alot of talent and i want to help you,come work with me so you can learn the industry business”
Josh who was gasping for air out of excitement gave no thought to the conditions ghat would follow!!i mean who wouldnt want to be associated with the almighty liam moreno????
Josh began painting in liam’s art industry and for every single exhibition...josh’s art works were all over the place with no credits!no allowances!!!neither did he have time time for his old mother!!!weeks,months,years passed!!!josh had invested so much into another man’s entreprise that he had nothing left for himself!!!
He was behind!!!doing the work!!!liam moreno was at the forefront making all the money and taking all the credits!!!
It had been two years of sleeping in the workshop many nights to meet up deadlines ,having turned down other opportunities that would have developed his brand!!liam moreno would often say!!!i am foing you a great favor by alowing you to work with me!!!
and on this day!!!josh lost his old mother!!!on a cool evening!!!apparently she couldnt get the help she need at the time she needed it!!
If you were josh what would you do?
What will be on your mind???
I’m wondering what the answer would be though☺️☺️☺️
A new artist came to their small town!!!and in no time liam moreno went hunting again and caught another desperate and naive artist and before a clock ticked 12..josh was relieved of his duties with nothing to fall back to but regrets
All his artworks stolen
2years working tirelessly for someone else
2years of not investing into his own dream
Let us conclude the thought by saying!!
1.Was liam moreno a skilled and influencial who could have appeared as a mentor for josh???
Yes he was
2.could josh have risen up to be a great artist if he kept doing what he was doing before he gained liam moreno’s attention?
Yes he could have..a very great chance
3.why did this happen!!!
99.9 percent of the time,the people moving towards you are coming because they see the light you carry
And the devil will disguise himself as a blessing because i mean who would want to gravitate towards bad with their eyes open!!
Temptations will come looking like the original plan!!
Like the open doors you so desire
But take heed lest you fall a victim
And end up investing your time and resources into another man’s selfish vision at the detriment of yours!!
Keep building yourself
Investing in your skill
Until you are fully what you should be!!!’
Let no man deceive you thinking they are doing you a favor!!!
You are also giving value to them so see it as give and take!!!!
Not every open door is an open door indeed!!