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Monochrome Monday Wood Slicing


cmplxty13.5 Klast yearPeakD3 min read

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share some photos from a recent trip we went on to the local fair a few weeks ago!

Monochrome Monday Wood Slicing

I'm winding down some of the last pictures from the fair that we went to and I found some that I forgot I took!

These guys were pretty cool, they were showing how versatile people were back in the day. One thing is for sure, people are really good at inventing things! We are pretty inventive these days but a hundred years ago or more, there were people who were truly inventive for the things they were doing. The farmers would use the tractors to do all kinds of shit that it didn't exactly seem like they were meant to do and we learned a good deal about that in this!

Tractors were such an important part of a farmers set of tools. They didn't just plow fields, they were basically the powerhouse of the whole damn farm! Back in the day, the humans didn't have all of the fancy things that we have today. There was a lot of manual labor for sure but where people were able to, they were smart as hell and inventing new ways to do things that originally were done by hand. Hewing boards from logs and other pieces of wood is a pretty good example! The tractors were running and had a pulley system which had this really long leather belt that was turning the pulley on this system right here. They would be shaving the little boards down to make cedar shingles or shims. Really amazing stuff to witness!

It was cool to watch how fast they were able to make these boards. As you can see, they were so quick that the guy who was stacking them wasn't even able to fully keep up with the guy who was cutting them. For a farmer back in the day that is some pretty incredible progress compared to having to cut and slice them by hand tools in decades prior. I know I sure as shit appreciate the tools that we have these days a whole lot more! I know that we have to learn to adapt to things around us but seeing how smart some of these people were was truly inspiring. Having to machine that big ass thing is work enough, designing it to see if it would work must have been pretty wild with how long it took those things to get done.

I think turning the photos into black and white also gives a little bit of a cool and mysterious feel to it. It feels a lot more oldschool with that!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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