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Art. - a new community to hold space for what Art. really Is


clareartista4.3 K2 years agoPeakD4 min read

Dear friends old and new, Living Women and Living Men...

This is a big canvas that I began working on recently, and have been sharing via my Patreon Lens for the folks who support me there. I've been wanting to share my Art more on Hive, but feeling like the spaces which support 'art' are very out of alignment with the central importance in Real Art of craft, discipline, life-long expression of passion through hands and heart, and so on....

Plus the controversies of AI 'art', the lack of the hands-heart-hearth-wholeness in digital 'art' and the plethora of folks imitating 'art' through visual tricks and cleverness. The algorithmic censorship of the living body in image form, and the blacklisting of Authentic Co-Creators who have worked their life-long to express a vision that is given to them by the Cosmos...

The context in which we share Art. - in which the psychosis of falsity and 'art' is seen as Art - is very chaotic and confusing, distorted and projected. I have pulled my paintings almost completely out of the world for this very reason, having been exhausted for decades by folks feeding off the purity and vitality of who I am and what I create. So today I acted on a creative upwelling, and opened a portal into Art. A new Hive Community which will serve as a very specific safe space for those of us who express wholly and who are committed to our unique visual language and a life-long unfolding-blossoming of our inimitable vision in and of the world.

Our collective brainwashing out of our Divine and Natural Co-Creative Power is ubiquitous: it is soaked into the fabric of our being; almost all 'art-ists' operate within the hierarchy that promotes absolute desecration of all that is holy and Art-full in each and every one of us. If we wish to participate in the 'art world' as it is referred to, we have to leave our divinity outside of it, and to bow to commerce, ego, power-games and pennies in return for our rich creative outpourings.

On the other hand, if we dedicate our energy, attention and resources into the primal practise of making, exploring, using whatever we have around us to create something More Than The Sum Of The Parts - we open a door into the mystical. We heal, we expand, we become more fertile and ripe, we become magnetic and attractive to all that we need and want for - our very relationship with the world becomes Real, Whole and Abundant.

That is why I paint: I paint because I have to and because it gives me alignment, Life, clarity, Truth. All that is not true simply falls away under the caress of brushstroke, under my return to innocence as the figure on canvas is magical metaphor of my body bared and freed. I rewrite spells. I make new creative spells. I remake my relationship of MindBodySpiritCosmos, better and more symbiotic.
early phase of the painting, a few months ago

This is what I'm doing when I'm painting; it's not the translation of a story in my mental realm, it is a whole and unique vision, woven in layers of colour, oil, pigment - mixed with air and more oil, released from animal hair brushes with wooden handles, waves and strokes eminating from my CoreConnectedToSource - up through my pelvis and heart - through my arms and hands, through the subtle imprint of never-to-be-made-twice finger movements and down through the brush onto painted surface. There is no interference of 'logic' or 'I should', of narrative or surface form. There is the pure channel open, which allows That Which Wants To Come Into Being, to do so - to Be So.
the canvas being prepared - it was painted over an older canvas which held very dark and violent imagery

I share all this to open a doorway in this new community for those who resonate and who wish to Co-Create and to be supported in their Creative Practise - no matter what mediums they are working in.
an earlier phase of the painting, in the Arthouse studio, Guardia Sanframondi, Italy

I look forward to living conversations with you all - outwith the controversy - in this loving space which holds Art. sacred and power-full.

A Bliss-full Creative day to you!


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