Giveaway 22 / Pack opening 121 / BOB
Hello friends!
My stats in RS at moment:
Level 169
cards 2696
fans 109660
luck 91726
skill 229948
im 1969
At moment i work mission "hug me".
This is special time limited mission and one card requre to work this mission.
You can find card in Marketplace like
This card is need for special mission.
So lets make GIVEAWAY for this NFT!
S96 Pinkie (special card 2024)
To participate in GIVEAWAY,
post in comments your RisingStar username.
That is all.
Good luck!
In pack 121 we have one rare and 2 commons.
Watch my streams on twitch,
earn BoCrypto tokens
and you can use BoCrypto tokens in my BoCrypto shop and buy RisingStar NFT cards and Starbits tokens.
So this is one more way to raise your collection in game.
Every 10 min of watch stream, generate 1 BoCrypto token.
BoCrypto is token on hive blockchain.
You can use tokens in shop, or you can trade on exchange like hive-engine and get swap.hive and buy another crypto tokens if you want.
BOB 6279 winner cscable
Lets go with Starbits spin wheel.
@cscable 200 starbits
New BOB link. If you want to participate just click link.
You can find link always on my twitch stream or on my discord:
If you have HIVE account and you dont play game, you can use my refferal link and join in game.
In game you can complete simple missions and earn Starbits tokens,
tokens can use to buy NFTs or CARD packs, or you can sell on hive engine market to get HIVE.
Giveaway 20 participants:
Winner using picker wheel:
Reward NFT i107