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01/08 My Happiness And Activities At The Beginning Of The Month


bintangstar1214.563 years agoHive.Blog2 min read

Hello friends

So officially the beginning of the month where today is the happiest day…

This Monday 01/08 will start sharing with you guys how my day went on 01/08.

My Happy Day

This is a day where I am very happy with activities, because today is my birthday.

Can't wait to hear prayers and congratulations from friends. Because every birthday that I always look forward to is a prayer of age blessing from them.

Listening to music while watching news is my hobby every day now the hottest news is not left behind, my favorite music I always listen to. You could say this is the beginning of my morning habit before I go to work.

No appointments today, but I'm waiting to hear from my friend. My happy morning is very boring when there is no news from friends.

This is my favorite cat!! funny isn't it? Of course funny because this is my favorite animal. I love cats so I diligently feed them every day. I wanted to feed him, but he was sleeping.

Couldn't bear to wake him up, had to wait for him to wake up first. It has become a habit of mine when the cat is sleeping abstinence for me to wake him.

While waiting I was also hungry and wanted breakfast. Today my breakfast is corn with a combination of cheese, milk and lemongrass on top.

Don't forget to have breakfast before leaving for your destination. Don't leave the house on an empty stomach. It makes me not concentrate in doing everything. After breakfast, I went for coffee.

Sampai di tujuan saya menunggu teman teman saya. Biasanya ini mereka sering duduk di coffe ini tetapi keadaan saat itu belum ada yang datang. Menunggu mereka berjam-jam sampai saya bosan. Mengisi bosan dengan memesan donat, ngemil.

Terimakasih telah membaca cerita harian saya, semoga hari kalian juga menyenangkan


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