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Her will.


balikis952.3 K10 days ago8 min read

Stretching her legs one after the other, Roseline ran as her life depended on it. Her body moved aggressively around the thick bush. Each step became heavier, but her will was stronger.

A twine wrapped itself around her frail ankle, pausing her step just for a second. A deep laugh vibrated through the forest, sending Roseline's heart into a frenzy. Her breath becomes erratic.

”No. No. She mustn't find me.” she whispered to herself, bending her legs, she pushed herself up while turning her leg in the process. The sharp pain from the twine as it released her leg made her gasp, but she didn't stop. She moved and freed her legs before engaging in another marathon.

An hour or more? She couldn't tell, though her will was strong, her legs failed her. Panting hard but still keeping her breath to the bare minimum, Roseline hid herself among the thick bush beside her by crutching down before laying flat on her stomach. She tried to rest, but the sharp pain from her leg wouldn't let her.

Eyes down,she carefully turned her back down before checking where the pain came from. Her mind drifted back to a few hours ago when a twine had caught her leg. She had almost forgotten.

Checking her legs, she saw it had swollen up a little, and thankfully, there wasn't blood, but the line of the twine hold was visible. Cursing out loud, Roseline seeth her teeth as her hands touched her ankle. Tearing part of her blue dress, Roseline wrapped her ankle tightly, biting her lower lip in the process to mumble the pain that comes from within.

A sound caught her attention, and Roseline quickly leaned more into the ground. Fear radiated from her as she closed her eyes tightly, hoping it wasn't her… the witch.

”Come out. She'll find you there.” A little voice said beside her, and Roseline almost peed herself.

Opening her eyes slowly, she saw a little mouse close to her. Opening her eyes fully, she blinked twice, then three times she mentally checked on her temperature, maybe I have become very sick, she thought. before shaking her head.

”Let's go! Her minions are getting closer.” The mice spoke again, biting a little piece of her dress, urging her to stand.

”You were talking to me?” Roseline asked in disbelief.

”You have to move.” The mice replied, disregarding her question.

Her heart sensed the urgency in the mice's voice, so she followed suit. The forest air became dark and fierce, and the wind roared.The trees were bent aggressively, and the soil particles were sharp. Roseline moved her legs, matching the speed of the mice. Suddenly, the mice stopped, and before Roseline could register what was going on, she fell down deep into a hole.

She didn't know how many minutes passed, but the moment she opened her eye, thousands No, ten million, it must be! her mind resolved mice eyes were on her. She was a giant in their midst despite being in a sleeping position.

”Welcome. I am the mother of all mice here, and we are here to help you fight against the witch. You can't run forever, and for you to be able to hear us, your will to survive has gotten stronger. We have been watching you for years, digging tirelessly until we were sure the hole underground will fit you. Now, we are ready to fight for the lost forest, for our freedom, and for you, our queen.” The mother mice said.

”What? I meant, erm…I don't understand. How can I fight my evil stepmother? Since my father married her after my mother's death, my life has become unbearable. I have seen her miss numerous concoctions and speak in languages I don't understand. I have caught her talking to wild animals and even watched as my once vibrant dad became an empty shell. So, tell me. How can we fight her?” Roseline questioned.

”Your mother was an earth fairy before she died, and you have her blood in you. All the birds in the sky, the wind that blows, the trees, and each grain of sand will fight for you. You couldn't hear us before, but now you can because your will to survive was strong, and the stronger it gets,the bigger your power becomes. You just have to believe.” Mother mice responded.

”Believe!!!” The mice chanted.

Clenching her fist, Roseline remembered how she got here. Her stepmother had locked her in a cage in a dark place for days. She had almost given up, but her mother had appeared in her dream, making her feel the need to survive, and she had escaped but not after seeing that her stepmother was preparing a feast for something.

”Tonight is the night of the full moon, and I know you saw there was some sort of preparation like a feast, but it isn't a feast. It is… your stepmother wants to use you as a sacrifice to make her black magic stronger. We've been watching every step of the way. Everything you see, we see, too. So, heads up. Tonight, we must strike her.” Mother mice said firmly.

”What can I do?” Roseline asked.

”You must bring out the power in you. The forest was once beautiful, the trees were once friendly, the wind blew softly, and animals respected each other's territory. You must remember those times and remember what you now see. Seat and meditate, let the power flow from within. Let your will of survival rule.” Mother mice responded, and in a few seconds, the miles scattered away, and silence reigned.

Seating on the underground floor, Roseline crosses her legs and takes a deep breath before letting it out. She remembered her father's love for her and her mother's warmth. How the birds chirped happily and how the wind blew calmly. Though she lost her mom, she couldn't lose her dad. As each minute passed by, her will to survive grew stronger. Suddenly, she felt a light burst out from within. The light calmed her, and her body glowed.

Opening her eyes, she stood up and commanded the air to blow differently. Her voice echoed around the forest, and the wind became calm.

Ants, mices, hen, tortoise, snail, and rabbits all gathered around her.

”Let's survive and reclaim what belongs to us. Tonight, we are already victorious, so let your faith be firm. Let your will rule!” Roseline screamed.

”Let your will rule.” The animals repeated.

Swinging herself up, Roseline left the underground hole bringing up her warriors with her.

”Rise, trees and dance like you should. Let each particle of the sand be who they were.” Roseline commanded, and her voice was heard.

The more she moved toward her evil stepmother, the more she brought beauty and life with every word she spoke.

Leaving the forest with her warriors multiplied, she met her stepmother in the open field.

”You must think of yourself as a hero just because of that little light in you.” Her stepmother spoke with a cackle.

”Is that why you intend to sacrifice me? To kill me before I get this power. That means you are scared of what I could do.” Roseline responded calmly.

”Scared? Ha…ha …ha. You were the one who ran off a while ago like a little disgusting rat. I am more powerful than you, and the moment I sacrifice you, I’ll be unstoppable. I'll have the power to conquer the earth and open portals to mortal and immortal worlds. Just come gladly, or your father will be the first to go.” Her stepmother snickered.

”You'll have to survive this fight first.” Roseline responded before throwing a huge light from the tip of her finger.

Minutes passed by swiftly as the fight between Roseline and her stepmother raged on. The animals that followed her joined in while others went to look for her father to rescue him.

Roseline fought with her will with a strong faith toward victory. With each fight, the light in her glowed brighter and brighter as she dodged her stepmother's attack.

The more her light glowed, the weaker her stepmother became, but Roseline didn't stop. She struck her stepmother with her light until she fell to her knees, gasping for breath. Her face was bruised, and her lip quivered, but before she could move her lips, Roseline struck her once more.

”I strip you of all dark powers in you and send you on an exile to a place you'll never get to harm any being again.” And just as she commanded, Roseline's voice was heard and her stepmother disappeared.

Turning around, Roseline used her will to undo the evils of her stepmother, and the earth was what it used to be, and her father was the man she knew him to be.

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