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Blessed sadness

1 comment

asielda298.252 months agoHive.Blog

Blessed sadness that accompanies my great loneliness,
in the shadow of my days, you are my eternal truth.
You, guilty of the laziness that hinders my walk,
on the wings of death, I would like to fly.
In the echo of my chest, freedom drowns,
and in hidden tears, my sorrow sways.
Oh, nostalgia that embraces me, like an old companion,
I carry you in every sigh, like a faithful jailer.
Time is wearing away my dreams of dreaming,
in a world of illusions, only longing remains.
Blessed sadness, oh companion in my walk,
In the depths of your embrace, I know that I must fight.
That death is not destiny, but a dream to wait for,
and in the song of life, there is still much to love.


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