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The Old School Sunday.


alakuvictor76.742 years agoPeakD2 min read

Hello great people, how happy I am to share about my weekend Old school Sunday Wooowwew...Hope you're doing great and having beautiful experiences out there too.

Let me start by talking about Old School Sunday and it is significant too. It's a day set aside by the church I attend Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA). A student based Church at my school, FUTMX. Where we all are to come out in the best of our olden days dresses mostly of our parents days. To remember the love and vibes of old and to keep alive the impacts of those memories. In this Sunday service we sing through the olden days reggae and highlife christian songs. Remembering the beautiful and impactful messages they carried.

Not only did we dressed on old school attires we also speak the pidgin English. Like the service was a free and loving one. We get to express our selves from the pastor to the congregation. We sang a pidgin song remix of "There shall be showers of blessing" it was an eventful day for us.

The sermon came and we were taught about the love and blessings of God. After which a contest of Old school men and women was assigned. Where the instructor asked for each one of the boys and girls to sing old school songs. The girls win the contest. Smiles ladies always get it well here sha.

A series of photo shoots was carried out. We snap and snap and snap. The best dressers were awarded. By the church. I was so happy to be part of this service. This special day is carried out once a year. To remember and celebrate our men of old keeping it n mind the vision and objective of the cross.

Thank you for tapping from my weekend experiences.

Desclaimer; all pictures are mine!


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