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Thank You Hive for the great 2024! / Hiveでの2024年、お世話になりました


akipponn97.484 days agoPeakD8 min read

It’s the afternoon of December 31st here in Germany.

I had initially hesitated to write this post since I recently participated in the Hive Highlight Challenge by posting about my highlights on Hive this year. However, as I looked at how much my account has grown, I felt proud and decided to share my appreciation to Hive a bit more.

Taking data for the whole year might be too much for the servers, so I’ll focus on the past eight months. At the start of the year, I don’t think I even had 1,000 HP, but I’ve managed to increase it by around 5,000 HP over the year 💪

Most of the time, I write on Hive Blog about my micro balcony next to my kitchen and plants there, the creations I make in the kitchen, various things I make and fix, and my daily reflections.

I love my kitchen bur it’s also a troublesome space with the setup we bought from the previous tenant, and it’s been full of challenges. At the start of the year, a wall-mounted shelf collapsed. Since then, I’ve replaced the stove and oven. There’s still a 5mm gap under the new stove’s base that I’ll need to fix as a DIY project early in the New Year.

Despite its quirks and the frustration caused by the previous tenant, the kitchen is still my favorite place. It gets lovely morning sunlight, and with the door closed, it’s a space where I can be alone for work, yoga, or just spending time reading books.

Right now, my mixer is kneading the dough for German New Year's Brezel, and next to it, I’ve prepared the vegetables for the tempura topping for Toshikoshi soba, which is eaten in Japan to wish for longevity.

Unlike the kitchen, my little balcony is free from troubles. It’s been a peaceful space for gardening and coffee time. Here’s how it looks at the end of the year. My Yuzu tree is thriving outdoors, and the surprisingly kumquat has also been outside for the past few days. Next year, I’ll add a Hive fig tree here—the thought of it already makes me smile (even I bought and now am reading a fig cook book 😁).

This year, I had the chance to travel within Germany, as well as to Austria, Switzerland and Croatia. Writing about these trips on Hive was a joy, capturing the unique beauty of each place and of course tasty foods!

I am grateful for Hive Blog, a space where I can share stories about my daily activities home, my travels, and everything in between. What I love most about Hive is the community: open and like-minded people who understand crypto and on top of it, we connect with what we are into over more than just crypto. It’s been so enjoyable that I’ve written at least four times a week, often five ☺️

Next summer will mark the beginning of my 10th year on Hive—a milestone. I'm really excited what will my Hive life be next year.

For now, there are about nine hours left in this year. I’ll spend them making Toshikoshi soba and New Year pretzels, taking photos, and enjoying time with my family.

Wishing everyone a nice end of the year and happy new year!


ドイツは12月31日のおやつどきです。今年のHiveでのハイライトについては、先日Hive Highlightに参加するべく記事を投稿したので、この記事を書くか迷いましたが、アカウントの成長を眺めてがんばったな~と思ったので投稿することにしました。年初まで遡ると負荷がかかってしまいそうなので、半年ちょっとの分を。年初には確か1000HPなかったような気がするので、年間で5000HPくらい増えたことになります 💪

私は普段、台所の横にある小さなバルコニーの様子、台所はじめいろいろなところで作ったものや直したもの、日々思ったことをHive Blogに書いています。

大好きなご飯を作る、家の中で一番好きな台所なのですが、台所の設備は前住人から買い取ったものでトラブル続きの困った台所でもあります。今年のはじめには、壁に備え付けてあった棚が落ち、コンロとオーブンを入れ替え・・・食洗機を入れ替えたのは去年だっけと覚えきれないほどあれこれありました 😭 実は新しくしたコンロとその下の台に5mmほどのギャップがあって、直して埋めるのが新年早々のDIYになりそうです。



今年はドイツ国内に加えて、オーストリアやスイスへの旅行、Hive Festなど遠出する機会があって、旅先の様子を書くのも楽しかったです。

自宅の小さな空間でのできごとや、旅先の様子を書ける場を提供してくれるHive Blogに改めて感謝しています。クリプトについて知っていて、オープンマインドな人が多い、さらにその上でクリプトだけでない興味でつながれるところが大好きなのだと思います。あまりに楽しくて週5日、少なくても4日は書いていました ☺️




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