Volunteering to do any kind of job that does not attracted a financial rewards is not easy to get. Before you hear people say that they want to volunteer to do anything, it must either be that at the end of the day something good will come out of it, or they are just doing it because of God.
Well the kind that I have seen and experience is a different kind of volunteers entirely. I have been privileged to work alone side with people who are willing to give their all just to see that people are doing well. This is not for any financial benefits or anything good that they expect at the end of the good job. But people who are ready to serve their dear nation.
The first time I met @fasacity, he introduced me to what they do for different communities. Moving round from one community to another making sure that the people there are doing well. Praying for people and also gifting the people around there with different kind of gift. At first we went to a village in Wamba local government are call Marhi. That was my first time of visiting that place. I witnessed the love of God in this people that I went with. People were ready to move round the village every morning, preaching to people, praying for those who are sick and then in the afternoon people were invited to come over for a brief meeting and lots of clothes were shared amongst the adults and for the children we gave them clothes, juice and biscuits. That was the first I experienced and that was in the year 2022. Since then every year we go out for community work more than four times in every year. Experiencing that gave me some kind of fulfilment knowing that I was privileged to be part of that team. It also made me always think of people around me to help in my little way. I noticed since then that given or the act of helping is not as a result of one been wealthy, but is as a result of having the mind of helping people. I have seen people who are very wealthy and have all the time to go out and help people around, but they complain of not having even more than those in need.
In that first community we went in Marhi under Wamba local government. We met a man who has been rejected by the whole community including his children. They all believed that he is a witch and they all believed that he killed his son who took his own life for reasons best known to him. After talking to the man we went round the community talking to his children as well. We were able to reconcile him back to his family and life became normal again for him. It gave me joy that such situation was settled. I learnt from that incident that one little gesture from me can change a bad situation to a good one.
It has planted in me that spirit of help. Helping people in one community or the another at every moment of the year. We have planned another visit to the land of Kano in the sonner. And one of the major thing we want to achieve their is to do a community service which is also free. What we will give them depends on what God provides for us. The last time we went we shared both clothes and other good things to them, but this type I can't predict because we don't have much at hand.
My fulfillment comes from making other people happy. I am happy when I see people's problem been solved.
This is my contribution to the topic for this first edition of week 152.
All the images belongs to me, but was snapped with my friends phone.